African Violet Protection Energy

Founded by Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

Saintpaulia, commonly known as African violet, is a genus of six species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae, native to Tanzania and adjacent southeastern Kenya in eastern tropical Africa, with a concentration of species in the Nguru mountains of Tanzania. The genus is most closely related to Streptocarpus, with recent phylogenetic studies suggesting it has evolved directly from subgenus Streptocarpella. The common name was given due to a superficial resemblance to true violets (Viola, family Violaceae). Typically the African violet is a common household indoor plant but can also be an outdoor plant.
African violet has feminine energy and is aligned with the planet Venus and the water element. It is used for rituals related to protection and to enhance spirituality in the home.
This plant is not edible, is poisonous to humans and animals, so be careful if you have any at home.

African Violet Protection Energy help you with

Protection of spaces (home, business…)
Cleaning and clearing all kind of negative energies
Peace vibrations
Calms and clears the mind…



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